EEEEEK! Branding advice for fellow HSPs How to make your voice heard in a noisy, crowded world
Hey Katja, what do you mean, EEEEEK? Well, eeeeek makes me special! Yup! You heard that right: A LADY HUMAN, also known as a woman, who likes herself. On most days, that is. Hell, even LOVES herself – and others. Know what that is, in an age of hate?
Nothing short of REVOLUTIONARY (and what’s in that word, if you read it backwards? Yep – Yranoitu! – Nah, just kidding. It’s LOVE, stupid! It’s always love (as the brilliant Nada Surf song of that name).
But back to my EEEEEK: It’s my formula, my framework, that I work with for my clients. And it’s a powerful reminder of who I am, at times when I lose sight of that, or when the nasty voices inside my head are getting a li’l too loud. EEEEEK drowns them out – with a whole lotta Es referring to what I like about myself and what constitutes non-negotiable parts of me:
- The depth of my education: four decades of constant learning, resulting in, amongst a LOT of other certificates and stuff, in a PhD, the title of yoga teacher BDY/EYU and of course my fave diploma, won at the school .of punk/rock: RnR.
- The breadth of my experience: jobs in academia and ad agencies, moving house 27 times, being a mum, reading “books and such” (shout out to my fellow IT crowd fans!) every. single. day., and having been in bands for nearly 30 years.
- The height of both my enthusiasm and my empathy – both of which are my secret super weapons in my cause and my WHY: empowerment.
Empowering YOU to also be this full of yourself.
Who are you, far from the maddening crowd?
When you dare to be kind to yourself, and really honest?
What do you really like about yourself, what makes you proud, how do you stand out?
Because to me, personal branding is not about selling you – at least not JUST that:
Personal branding is about selling you to yourself first.
That’s what we do, and that’s why we call it holistic here at Bright Idea. We don’t just make you sound (and look) good, we work with you from the inside out. Because the world needs us now, my sensitive, idealistic sisters. And:
If your brand is about the true YOU, you become unstoppably un-copiable. Bye, loudmouth competitors!
So let me repeat my formula: E + E + E +E +E = K.
I’m Katja, and I love myself, and stuff like music, books and yoga and not being an arsehole.
My aspiration is to be an activist, a writer and a speaker who gets you fired up to figure out, or re-discover, what really makes you froth at the mouth with enthusiasm. To make your WHY bigger than your desire to stay silent and play small. To love yourself even on those days where you feel like slapping your own cheeks, that’s how mad and frustrated your inner perfectionist is at your lack or progress.
Here’s to a healthy dose of perFUCKtionism!
What’s your formula for self-love and success?
Let’s embrace and reveal our weird and multitudinous (LOVE that word!) and imperfect identities, for example as:
- an angry yoga teacher (Trump! Yoga Nazis! The climate crisis denier wankers!)
- a lazy writer (but NETFLIX!)
- a spectacularly unsuccessful musician (my bands were called: SO BE IT. YUMMY. MY GRACE. A TENNIS DRAMA. PRISTINE. And, right now: JETSUN and LES CHATS DU RÊVE)
Feel free to add to the list of incongruence, and lemme know your titles (or I’ll cry into my dinner tonight).
As Glennon “God” Doyle puts it:
It’s your own fault for following a clinically depressed inspirational speaker.
As ever:
OM and rock ON.
PS: Wanna work with us on that formula of yours, or even have us implement what we come up with together? We have a couple spots available for 1:1 coaching at the moment and will only take two more 1:1 web, copy & branding this year, before raising our prices significantly in October. Why? Because our results kick ASS.