Captain, my captain! A call to courage and how not to fear the opinions of others

Katja Brunkhorst August 20, 2019

Why do we feel so comfortable outdoors, in nature? Because she has no opinion about us.

Who said that? Well ..? TRUE – Fritze Nietzsche, the most fabulous of philosophers.

In no month is that truer for me than in September. First, out into the forest or to the sea, smell the leaves, feel the wind and listen to the birds, and then: back to school. After being thus refreshed and invigorated, with Mummy Nature having our back, and after having hopefully given in to sweet summer idleness last month, I will be happy to be productive and creative again in the fall. And one thing is essential here:

Dare to show yourself. Free yourself from the fear of the opinions of others. And please, please: Open your mouth if you are one of the good guys.

bright idea katja hans

Fuck, but really, all the haters, trolls and bullies!

We can no longer leave the opinions and the publicity to the idiots.

Especially right now, in times of climate change deniers and Greta-haters. In any case, we say: kudos to the brave Swede and the symbolic impact of her Atlantic adventure! We are SO on board with Fridays for Future … we can still do it.

Who are we also standing behind? Now things will turn, watch out, feminist. So buckle up: Here come some top-notch reading recommendations.

1. Sally Rooney: Normal People.
2. Lisa Taddeo: Three Women.
3. Jen Pastiloff: On Being Human.
4. Liz Gilbert: City of Girls.
5. Abby Wambach: Wolfpack.

bright idea booktips

They are all captains and were once perceived as outsiders, those ladies. Basically the Rapinoes, Racketes and Thunbergs of the book world. Fab for finding food for founding one’s female identity and for showing true feelings. Nothing less than world-changing, these works – and insanely, unputdownably entertaining at the same time.

Glennon Doyle, who, by the way, fights for the human rights of “illegal” migrants in the United States with her Charity Together Rising – a great pun, incidentally – also falls into this category. She looks for lawyers and after caged infants separated from their parents and has coined the phrase:

There is no such thing as other people’s children.

That’s why we’re giving to this charity here at Bright Idea – if you still wonder why, just check out the new season of Orange is the New Black. And we get involved with Fridays, Parents and Yogis for Future (and if you think this stupid, please look for another agency).

You think that’s great? Fab. And no need to thank us – but who wants to do so anyway, feel free to send us some bubbly, reading or series tips. Instant classics only, please! They ought to be thrilling, feminist and funny (definitely a plus).

And what do you stand for? Don’t be an identi-tease – tell us stuff about you. Be honest, authentic, vulnerable. Because: You can also change your mind and your opinions, and hardly anything is ever set in stone, except for the dangerous stupid! To quote Nietzsche:

You have to go fishing and be lucky, – then you have your fish, your opinions. I’m talking about living opinions, living fish. Others are satisfied when they have a fossil cabinet – and, in their mind, “convictions.” –

Come join our brand new gang! And nobody will judge you here – promise. Try and join us: Let’s be #REVEALINGIDENTITIES (on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn).

The whole thing takes place in our said Facebook group, or you dive into our day-to-day LIVES on our FB-page – we’ll be happy to answer any questions about our topics branding, websites, copy, design or just: who am I – and If yes, how many?

Wishing you a sexy Indian Summer,
Katja and Hans

bright idea katja


  1. Jen Olden on September 24, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    Hey, I just found you and decided I love you. You are great! I follow Glennon and Liz and of course Abby and also Jen Hatmaker and Sarah Bessey and Kirstin Howerton. I love all of them. If I need help with my brand, I will turn to you. Love your boldness and clarity of message. Also, this is so smart: Identi-tease. Here’s another one: Faux-nerable. Right? As in, don’t be fauxnerable. Love to you and the work you are doing!

    • Katja Brunkhorst on September 24, 2019 at 2:44 pm

      wow, jen…THANK YOU!!! really, from the bottom of my heart. so glad i was able to reach a kindred spirit. yeee-ha! and you’re an EFT practitioner, is that right? awesome. hey, why don’t you join our FB group REVEALING IDENTITEASE? we have thursday karaoke and i’d be thrilled to see you in there. OM and rock ON! kx

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